Kaarthik Alagappan

Hello! I'm Kaarthik.

Who I am

I'm a grad student at the University of Central Florida where I'm pursuing my masters in Computer Science with a focus on databases and high performance computing. I'm currently working as a research assistant with Dr. Paul Gazzillo on making the network processing language P4 modular.

My primary interests are backend and project development, project management, and programming languages. Apart from that, I enjoy photography, bike riding, playing Dungeons & Dragons, and learning new tools.

How to get in touch

Kaarthik A. Alagappan
Sanford, FL


University of Central Florida

UCF Logo

Bachelor of Computer Science

Aug 2017 - Dec 2020

Master of Computer Science

Jan 2021 - May 2022

Seminole State College

SSC Logo

Associate of Arts (via dual-enrollment)

Aug 2015 - May 2017

Work Experience

University of Central Florida

UCF Logo

Research Assistant

May 2019 - Present

I have modified the LLVM and Clang infrastructures and a source code transformer to support a customized, side-channel free architecture. Accomplished this by adding a new LLVM IR opcode that produces extra assembly code used by the side-channel free architecture, modifying Clang to emit that opcode based on the source code attributes, and customizing a Java-based source code transformer to convert specific statements into a compatible format that doesn’t induce new side-channels.

I am currently working on modularizing the packet processing language P4. My tasks include organizing and collecting data from P4 projects, analyzing it for patterns, and delivering suggestions for refining the scope of the project.

Skills I Wield















Latest Project

EndLess Learner (ELLE)

EndLess Learner is a platform design to help students learn a new language through interactive games in different platforms. It is also used for researches to determine what type of games and which platforms are most effective for learning.

This was my undergraduate capstone project where I worked with four other classmates to revamp the existing EndLess Learner product and create virtual reality games for the platform. I served as the project manager and as a backend developer for this project. My main responsibilities included communicating between the project sponsor, my teammates, and other ELLE groups to ensure we were building a product that the sponsor desired and to implement a backend that was universal for all platforms.

Personal Website

Right from high school I have created websites using vanilla HTML and CSS and sometimes with JavaScript. Though that helped me attain a strong fundamental knowledge on web development, it started to become tedious after a point. Then in college I heard that there are libraries that make it easier to build user interfaces, so I decided to pickup on a library; and you are seeing the product of that decision!

I made this website with a React-based framework called Gatsby to ease my way into the world of React, and it helped me learn how to abstract specific parts into components and how to integrate prebuilt components within my own website

Current Courses

(Spring 2021)

High Performance Computing and Programming

Parallel and Distributed Database Systems

Malware Software Vulnerability